Aθλητικά & τρέλα!!

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Re: Aθλητικά & τρέλα!!

Post by maurh_8uella »

Ο Κλέιζα έκλεισε στους Ράπτορς με 20 μύρια για 4 χρόνια! Έφυγε και ο χοντρός.... Λος Πούλος!!!!
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Re: Aθλητικά & τρέλα!!

Post by cobra »

ανακοινώθηκαν αυτά; γιατι εγώ άκουσα οτι ο κλειζα ανανέωσε και ο σοφο μάλλον πάει ΝΒΑ
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Re: Aθλητικά & τρέλα!!

Post by Doublecore »

Ο Κλεϊζα ειναι σχεδον σιγουρο οτι θα επιστρεψει ΝΒΑ του χρονου, αν οχι στους Raptors τοτε στους Nuggets.Για δες εδω: http://contra.gr/Basketball/Hellas/A1Ba ... 80371.html
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Re: Aθλητικά & τρέλα!!

Post by maurh_8uella »

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Re: Aθλητικά & τρέλα!!

Post by cobra »

ακούσατε για έναν ιρανό που πήρε ο ολυμπιακός στο ποδόσφαιρο;
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Re: Aθλητικά & τρέλα!!

Post by Adramelch »

Και μιας και είμαστε στα του ΝΒΑ:

LeBron και Bosh πάνε στο Miami να κάνουν παρέα στον Wade. :shock:

Δείτε κι αυτό
Open Letter to Fans from Cavaliers Majority Owner Dan Gilbert

Dear Cleveland, All Of Northeast Ohio and Cleveland Cavaliers Supporters Wherever You May Be Tonight;

As you now know, our former hero, who grew up in the very region that he deserted this evening, is no longer a Cleveland Cavalier.

This was announced with a several day, narcissistic, self-promotional build-up culminating with a national TV special of his "decision" unlike anything ever "witnessed" in the history of sports and probably the history of entertainment.

Clearly, this is bitterly disappointing to all of us.

The good news is that the ownership team and the rest of the hard-working, loyal, and driven staff over here at your hometown Cavaliers have not betrayed you nor NEVER will betray you.

There is so much more to tell you about the events of the recent past and our more than exciting future. Over the next several days and weeks, we will be communicating much of that to you.

You simply don't deserve this kind of cowardly betrayal.

You have given so much and deserve so much more.

In the meantime, I want to make one statement to you tonight:


You can take it to the bank.

If you thought we were motivated before tonight to bring the hardware to Cleveland, I can tell you that this shameful display of selfishness and betrayal by one of our very own has shifted our "motivation" to previously unknown and previously never experienced levels.

Some people think they should go to heaven but NOT have to die to get there.

Sorry, but that's simply not how it works.

This shocking act of disloyalty from our home grown "chosen one" sends the exact opposite lesson of what we would want our children to learn. And "who" we would want them to grow-up to become.

But the good news is that this heartless and callous action can only serve as the antidote to the so-called "curse" on Cleveland, Ohio.

The self-declared former "King" will be taking the "curse" with him down south. And until he does "right" by Cleveland and Ohio, James (and the town where he plays) will unfortunately own this dreaded spell and bad karma.

Just watch.

Sleep well, Cleveland.

Tomorrow is a new and much brighter day....

I PROMISE you that our energy, focus, capital, knowledge and experience will be directed at one thing and one thing only:

DELIVERING YOU the championship you have long deserved and is long overdue....

Dan Gilbert
Majority Owner
Cleveland Cavaliers
Βλαμμένος ο άνθρωπας. Αλλά όχι μόνο αυτός. Οπαδοί του Cleveland εθεάθησαν να καίνε φανέλες του LeBron.
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Re: Aθλητικά & τρέλα!!

Post by jimis »

Ο Γκαλας ερχεται στον ΠΑΟ !!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Aθλητικά & τρέλα!!

Post by maurh_8uella »

Ναι ρε...Στάνταρντ! Και ο Ζαρντέλ για 7 συνεχόμενα χρόνια ερχόταν στον Ολυμπιακό κάθε καλοκαίρι και τελικά δεν έπιασε ποτέ λιμάνι!
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Re: Aθλητικά & τρέλα!!

Post by notorius »

μην το λες αυτο.....επιασε λιμανι στο οπορτο...επισης απ τα παιδικα μου χρονια θυμαμαι τις προσπαθεις τοθ παναθηναικου να φερει τον σουκερ...5 χρονακια το παιδευε...
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Re: Aθλητικά & τρέλα!!

Post by misfit »

Κι εμείς με Μοριέντες κι άπειρους "παιχταράδες" ακόμα!Κλασσικές ατάκες του στυλ : "στην Αθήνα αύριο το απόγευμα ο μάνατζερ του παίκτη" , "φήμες ότι ψάχνει για σπίτι στα νότια προάστια ο τάδε" , "εθεάθη να πίνει καφέ στο πασαλιμάνι ο τάδε" , "τυχαίες οι διακοπές στη μύκονο του τάδε?Φήμες λένε ότι θα περάσει σήμερα από το κότερο του κόκκαλη που παραθερίζει κι αυτός στη νήσο των αιθέρων"

Γραφικοί δημοσιογραφίσκοι,βαρεθήκαμε να σας ακούμε :P
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